The Dangers of CoSleeping with a Newborn
The Dangers of CoSleeping with a Newborn
When you bring your newborn into your house, there is a lot to understand, particularly about their schedule for eating and sleeping and how often they need to be fed. There are instances when parents intend to put their baby to sleep in a bassinet or crib in a different room from where they are sleeping. You could be tempted to keep the baby in bed with you at night for various reasons, including the fact that it is more convenient, your newborn might want to be held, or the fact that you don't want to be separated from your child.
This 'co-sleeping' – when an infant and parent share a bed at night, goes against medical advice in Thailand. The Children's Hospital of Pediatrics recommends that parents avoid bed-sharing with infants younger than four months. Co-sleeping can put babies at risk for sleep-related injuries or death, including accidental suffocation or strangulation, and that risk increases if the parents smoke or drink. According to the CDC, there were about 3,700 infants that died from sleep-related reasons.
It is essential to speak with your pediatrician about infant sleep-related injuries or deaths, how to reduce the risk of having a problem, and the hazards of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Discuss with your doctor how to co-sleep as safely and responsibly as possible if you do so.
Consider alternatives to co-sleeping that enable you to remain close to your child. One of the most popular options is to place a bassinet against the side of your bed. This provides the infant with their own space while allowing you to be close enough to hear their breathing and ensure their safety throughout the night.
If you are having difficulty establishing a routine for your child's sleep or need assistance with sleep training or caring for your newborn, hiring an experienced newborn care specialist is a fantastic option. These caregivers are specially trained in newborn and infant care and will provide the tools you need to survive the first few grueling weeks and months as a parent. A specialist in newborn care frequently works overnight and can take over feeding and diapering duties so parents can sleep.
Call us today to learn more about how a specialist in newborn care can lend a hand to your family, including sleep training assistance. We can quickly position a newborn caregiver in your residence.